Reflections on Identity, Life and Death – Tara


Tara talks about the difficulty of having conversations with younger children.


Several doctors kept telling me, bring your kids in. Which I think was their nudging way of saying, look lady, you’re going to regret this later. But I felt like I knew better. In retrospect I think they have that experience, that they knew. Anyway. Coming home, my daughter in particular thought that I was going to die. She kept asking me I’m going to die. And we would always have the lights out, and those were always very difficult conversations because I wasn’t convinced, I wasn’t going to die. I’m still not convinced, because I know will die, but so is everybody else. So now I’ve come to the point with her that I, you know, now it’s more of a perspective of, everybody is going to die. And we have little things in place that will comfort us. For instance, I’ll be right behind this curtain. So that’s how far my beliefs that heaven is. So, I’m right there. I’m not even way up in heaven, you don’t even have to look up or shout, I’m like always right there beside you. So, we have frank discussions about that.

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